June 20
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YEREVAN. – One of the problems of Armenia’s economy is the severing of the link between the labor market and education. 

Minister of Economy Artsvik Minasyan told the aforementioned to reporters, after his talk Thursday with students at the Yerevan State University Faculty of Economics and Management.

In his words, the link between the labor market and education is one of the main tasks of the economy, and they are attempting to propose options to resolve this matter.

“As a result of state-private sector cooperation, robotics and microelectronics programs are implemented already in schools [in Armenia],” said Minasyan. “As the information technology [(IT)] results show, here we have not only a competitive advantage, but a [respective] labor market shortage.

“Today, we need about 60 thousand [IT] specialists within the framework of the link that is in the country and outside the country.”

To the remark that all universities in Armenia prepare economists and when asked whether there is this much demand for these specialists, the minister responded: “There are professions that are universal, and one of them is the economics and management profession.”

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