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The opening of the exhibition entitled “Armenian heritage of Ukraine” took place in Kherson in the framework of the events held by the Union of Armenians of Ukraine (UAU) on occasion of the 400th anniversary of the Armenian book-printing, reports.

The exposition includes such evidence of centuries-old history and culture of Ukraine Armenians as materials of the Lvov Armenian Typography, graffiti of Sofia Kievskaya Cathedral and wonder-working Armenian icons. The exhibition is held through the joint efforts of the Historical and Cultural Heritage Committee of UAU and Kherson regional Armenian community Urartu.

The exhibition has been attended by the representatives of Kherson Armenian community, city administration and citizens.

Armenian book printing in Ukraine marks its 400th anniversary this year.  Lvov has become the fourth center of the Armenian book-printing after Venice, Constantinople and Rome. The first Armenian book published in Lvov was “Davit ev Saghmos” (Psalms of David), published on 15 December 1616.

The events dedicated to the 400th anniversary of book-printing in Ukraine are held in different regions of the country.




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