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The diversionary attempt by the Azerbaijani side was aimed at the breakdown of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs’ efforts to create a system of ceasefire regime observers in the Karabakh conflict zone.

Russian political analyst Alexander Skakov told the aforementioned to Armenian News –

In his words, Baku aims to thwart the establishment of this system, since it is not in the interests of the Azerbaijani authorities. According to the political analyst, the mentioned system is aimed at clarifying who was the first to start the military actions, shootings, etc. “If the Azerbaijani side hinders the establishment of this system, then of, course, it is the one who violates the ceasefire regime,” Skakov stressed.

The adversary launched diversionary penetration attempts on Thursday between 11pm and 11:30pm, in easterly and southerly directions of the line of contact between the Karabakh and Azerbaijani opposing forces.

The NKR Defense Army informed Armenian that the Defense Army vanguard units, however, detected the Azerbaijani special forces’ advance in timely fashion, and drew them back to their original positions, and also caused them to suffer casualties.

The Defense Army, on the other hand, suffered no losses while confronting the diversionary teams.

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