June 20
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The Russian FM claims, that reports about transiting S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems from Russia to Abkhazia are false, Interfax reports.

"The reason for this propaganda can be anything: the legitimate decision of Abkhazia to optimize the number of checkpoints on its border with Georgia, the bilateral agreement allowing citizens of the South Ossetia to serve under individual contracts in the Russian army, false rumors about the alleged deployment of C-300 additional division in Abkhazia, and finally, the imaginary fiction about the transit of the Russian military column through Georgia to Armenia, " reads the statement posted on the website of the Russian FM.

The Russian FM noted, that that entire political show has been staged for the forthcoming round of discussions in Geneva. "Apparently, Tbilisi is going to continue sabotaging the dialogue in Geneva. Therefore, they’ve started creating a confrontational and hysterical atmosphere in advance, " says the message. 

"In this regard, we would like to emphasize that the Russian delegation is predetermined for a calm and productive discussion in Switzerland about the vital issues of security and stability in the Transcaucasus. Thus, we urge our Georgian partners for a dialogue, "the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

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