July 27
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YEREVAN. – After the referendums in Iraqi Kurdistan and Catalonia, there are talks as to the extent in which the Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) issue is similar to the Catalan and Kurdish issues.

Analyst Garnik Isagulyan, who is also chairman of the National Security Party of Armenia and adviser to the Representative Council of the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic/NKR), expressed such a view at a press conference on Thursday.

In his words, however, the Armenian side has never compared the Karabakh issue with others.

“Not because we don’t wish to; simply [because], there is nothing to compare here,” added Isagulyan. “The Armenian side [to the Karabakh conflict] has always stated that Karabakh has never been part of independent Azerbaijan. Karabakh gained independence still before the collapse of the USSR.”

He noted that Azerbaijan declared war on Karabakh, and today there are boundaries that are under the control of the NKR.

Also, the analyst said Karabakh has never used security for other objectives, but rather, Artsakh itself is the guarantor of ensuring regional security.

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