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On Friday, September 21, 2018, the Republic of Armenia celebrates the 27th anniversary of its independence.

Senior officials on Friday visited Yerablur Military Pantheon in capital city Yerevan.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, President Armenian Sarkissian, National Assembly President Ara Babloyan, government members, Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II, Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic/NKR) President Bako Sahakyan as well as Minister of Defense and Defense Army Commander Levon Mnatsakanyan, and several other senior officials visited Yerablur.


Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan received congratulatory message from Russian President  Vladimir Putin.

“I am confident that with joint efforts we will be able to ensure the future development of allied relations and multilateral cooperation, as well as partnership in the sidelines of Eurasian integration processes. This is undoubtedly in the interests of the peoples of Russian and Armenia and is for the benefit of the strengthening of regional security and stability,” Putin said.

Peaceful, people’s movement opened a new era in Armenia and we are ready to work with you to help establish your people’s will, US President Donald Trump said in his congratulatory message on Independence Day.

 “Opportunities are being created these months for peaceful regulation of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict which in its turn may open new opportunities for Armenian-American partnership. As OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing country the USA is ready to work with you toward finding peaceful and long-lasting solution to the conflict,” Trump stressed in his message.

Director of National Security Service Arthur Vanetsyan confirmed that former Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan was questioned over the Yerevan Foundation fraud case.

He noted that Margaryan has a witness status in this case. According to Vanetsyan, at this point we have 1 billion and 807 million-dram (approx. US$3,763,400) misuse at Yerevan Foundation.

“The director of the Yerevan Foundation has already given written consent for the recovery of these amounts,” he said.

At this moment, it is relatively stable at the border with Azerbaijan, Defense Minister Davit Tonoyan said Friday.

“As a result of the measures taken, at this moment, it is stable at the border,” the minister said.

In recent times, Azerbaijan frequently fires shots toward the border villages of Armenia’s Tavush Province. Consequently, a Koti town resident was injured several days ago.

Tonoyan also commented on the participation in the humanitarian action in Syria.

 “The humanitarian action will be taken under the call by the UN.How can female doctors get involved in the conflict? Or the deminer if he is participating in a humanitarian action?”

September 21 marks the last day of the Yerevan mayoral campaign, as September 22 is the day of silence when campaigning is prohibited by the law.

According to different forecasts, three political forces – “My Step”, Prosperous Armenia and “Luys” alliance – are deemed to be front-runners.  During the entire campaign, political forces failed to agree on holding debates. However, on the last day of the campaign public television organized debates and invited all 12 political forces. But, only ten appeared. Prosperous Armenia’s number one candidate Naira Zohrabyan refused to come justifying it by wrong format of the debates, while another candidate refused to continue his campaign because of personal reasons.

The polling stations will open at 8am on Sunday and will close at 8 pm.
