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The exports of mining products from Armenia are dropping, and the reason is that the Teghut [copper and molybdenum]  mine is not operating.

Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on Sunday noted the abovementioned during his talk with the residents of Jermuk town, and within the framework of the My Step alliance’s campaign rallies for the upcoming snap parliamentary election in Armenia.

“The government is conducting negotiations, exerting efforts so that the operation of Teghut begins [again],” Pashinyan said. “But we have also stated that the eco-Armenia concept, the green Armenia concept is also laid in the basis of our activities. (…). We are saying that mining industry in Armenia should be implemented with the highest standards.

“To us, the question of all questions is as follows: Does the operation of the Amulsar [gold mine] pose a threat to the water system of Jermuk and to Lake Sevan?” 

The acting PM noted that the Investigative Committee has filed a criminal case with respect to determining the impact the operation of this mine has on the environment.

“An expertise has been commissioned within the framework of the criminal case, and we will announce an international contest [in this regard],” Nikol Pashinyan stated. “We will not save money from our budget so that a highest global-level company conducts that expertise in the criminal case. It’s very important to us that the results of the expertise are reliable.”

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