July 27
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The “Independent Artsakh 28” initiative group has launched a flashmob ahead of Independence Day of the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic). The organizers recommend that everyone join the flashmob, use the materials and help appreciate the victory of Artsakh even more than it already is appreciated. The initiative will last from August 19 to September 2 (Independence Day of the Republic of Artsakh).

The initiative group’s press release reads as follows: “On September 2, the Republic of Artsakh will celebrate the 28th anniversary of its declaration of independence. At a time when the establishment of an independent Armenian state seemed impossible, the Armenians of Artsakh declared that which all Armenians of the world had been desiderating for years and centuries.

The past 28 years have been years of uplift for Artsakh, but they have been difficult years. No matter how many calls are made to Armenians to unite, Artsakh’s Independence Day, which serves as evidence of the rebirth of the nation, doesn’t receive the attention of the Armenian public and authorities that it deserves.

We, being the generation of the battle for Artsakh and the victories of Artsakh, have launched the “Independent Artsakh 28” initiative and recommend that everyone join the initiative, use the materials and help appreciate the victory of Artsakh even more than it is already appreciated. The initiative will last from August 19 to September 2 (Independence Day of the Republic of Artsakh).

Click here to see the materials prepared for dissemination on social networks.

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We highly appreciate any step that you take to emphasize the importance of the 28th anniversary of the Independence of Artsakh.

By joining this initiative today, we will prove our national unity.”

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