June 20
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We have a very serious emergency situation in Syunik province, Armenin Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said at the beginning of the government session.

Armenian Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Suren Papikyan reported that at 9am the governor called, informed that the color of the Voghji River had changed, was brown, and all the forces in the province had been mobilized to understand the situation on the spot.

"Representatives of the province, representatives of the law enforcement agencies have gone to the scene," Papikyan said.

For his part, Environment Minister Erik Grigoryan said that the staff of the Environmental Protection and Reading Inspectorate were at the scene in the morning and the samples were taken.

"It could be the leaks from the Zangezur Copper and Molybdenum Combine," he said.

Prosecutor General Arthur Davtyan noted that investigative actions were being carried out at the scene. "There is a section of damaged pipe that is being repaired. According to preliminary information, the water flowed from there. The issue of starting a criminal case will be discussed."

The Minister of Emergency Situations Feliks Tsolakyan also touched upon the issue, noting that the owners kept it a secret that such an event had taken place. "They have not said and they have started quick restoration work. These pipes are soldered quickly. Our people said they had already been restored."

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