June 20
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YEREVAN. - The first Armenian 3D animation film will be screened on Wednesday in a Moscow movie theater in Yerevan.

A 77-minute long animation titled “Cucaracha” was created with joint efforts of Russian and Armenian animators, Touch FX animation studio and Paradise company.

The project estimated at $ 4.5 million was launched four years ago and involved 20 people, including director Armen Adilkhanyan and famous Russian actors.

Cucaracha is translated from Spanish as cockroach. Producer Vahe Sargsyan says the film is about cockroaches.

“People usually do not like these insects but we show they can be kind, friendly and even can fall
in love,” he said.

Vahe Sargsyan stressed that many were skeptical about the project, assuming that it is impossible to create a 3D movie in Armenia.

“There are many problems in Armenia, primarily financial ones. At first I tried to find sponsors here, but failed, probably because Armenian businessmen still do not understand what 3D film is,” he said.

Asked by Armenian correspondent whether 3D film is up-to-date when 5D and 7D films are shot, director of Touch FX studio  Vardan Karapetyan said that a 5D movie can be created based on a 3d movie and differs only by wind and smell effects.

Film was first screened in Moscow city on March 24 and took $ 1 million over the first week.


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