June 12
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In an interview with RBK, second President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan said he doesn’t think the parliamentary system of government is the system that is appropriate for Armenia.

According to him, the events that took place showed that he was right. “In the absence of intraparty democracy, the parliamentary system of government turns into a government of the boss of a political party. No president of Armenia has had the power that the incumbent Prime Minister has today…What works in developed Western countries are traditions. Everything doesn’t need to be reflected in the Constitution. If a country makes constitutional reforms once every ten years and radically at that, traditions can’t be continued,” he said.

Asked if he had warned Serzh Sargsyan what the constitutional reforms could lead to back in 2015, Kocharyan stated that he hadn’t had ‘many interactions’ with Serzh Sargsyan in that period. “I have publicly expressed my position on this, but there were no personal talks,” he added.

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