June 20
Show news feed

The Mossad spy agency helped foil 12 plots to carry out terrorist attacks against Israelis in Turkey over the past two years, Israel's Channel 12 reported.

According to the source, Mossad's ties with Turkey's National Intelligence Organisation, have strengthened in recent years despite strained diplomatic relations between the countries.

Most of the announced terrorist plans were linked to the Islamic State terrorist group and targeted businessmen and other Israelis in Turkey.

The announcement came a day after Turkish media and an Israeli businessman living in Turkey announced that an "Iranian plot" to assassinate him had been uncovered. It also followed recent reports in Turkey of 16 alleged Mossad spies being charged.

Channel 12 cited Turkish media reports that a delegation of senior Israeli officials had visited Turkey in the past few days.

Allegedly among them was Mossad chief David Barnea, who allegedly personally oversees intelligence ties with Turkey.

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