June 20
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The EU is preparing several responses to any further moves by Russia to destabilize Ukraine, but Brussels does not know exactly what Moscow plans to do, an EU official said, Reuters reported.

He said US talks with Russia were “not yielding a lot” but that dialogue with President Vladimir Putin was still open through the leaders of Germany and France.

The official, on condition of anonymity, said the tougher the EU sanctions against Russia in the event of a military invasion, the harder the blow to the EU if Moscow responds.

He recalled that 40% of EU gas comes from Russia and that the bloc is in talks with Norway and Qatar, among others, to increase energy supplies if necessary.

The official also said the EU is considering how quickly Russia could switch its energy supplies to China if it cuts sales to Europe.

He said the EU was also preparing for the arrival of refugees if Russia invades Ukraine.

The source added that the EU was awaiting a decision on further macroeconomic support for Ukraine.

Some in the EU wanted to impose tough sanctions to prevent any Russian attack but others said it would amount to an escalation of tensions and the EU should react later if necessary, the official said.

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