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Information often appears in the media that the CSTO does not provide aid [to Armenia]. But the military and political situation is different; it is not always possible to carry out an operation to "cure some disease" there with military forces. Anatoly Sidorov, Head of the CSTO Joint Staff, told this to a press conference Tuesday.

"The principle of ‘do no harm’ should apply here as well. We [i.e., the CSTO] are trying to follow as much as possible the situation that is being created there. It is no secret that in September last year, not good events took place on the border of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Moreover, there were casualties among both servicemen and civilians. And, in general, loss of territory, loss of weapons and equipment," he noted.

Sidorov recalled that a meeting of the CSTO Collective Security Council was convened with respect to the aforesaid and a decision was made to send a mission to Armenia immediately.

"We tried to make a more objective analysis of the created situation, and presented a report to the heads of states on the results of the mission's work. Then the heads of states will make decisions. Our people are very wise, very experienced, and I believe that they will do everything so that as a result peace reigns in the territory of the Caucasus region, a mutually acceptable solution is found for Armenia and Azerbaijan and, ultimately, all conflicts stop there," added the head of the CSTO Joint Staff.

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