July 27
Show news feed

YEREVAN. - Hardships of Armenian community of Germany are identical to those of other communities in Europe, German PR expert of Armenian origin Vazril Bazil told Armenian The expert is in Armenia in the framework of All-Armenian forum.

“The priority issue for Armenian communities of Europe is to maintain Armenian language and identity,” he said, adding that key to solution of this problem lies in Armenian families. “Active work with children only cannot be enough. We should also work with the parents, as after all it is the parent who educates the child. Another major issue is the education of church and state officials. Youth in the West has high level of education and insufficient knowledge of clergy and officials alienates them from the church and community. Negligence becomes a reason for the youth to avoid Armenian Apostolic Church and official representatives of Armenia.”

Note that All-Armenian forum gathers the leaders and representatives of the Diaspora and Armenia and is dedicated to 20th anniversary of Armenia’s Independence. The forum will run on September 19-20 in Yerevan.

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