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The CSTO, as an organization, should first of all react to the aggression against the sovereign territory of Armenia, record the fact that the territories of Armenia were occupied; but we do not see it yet. Sargis Khandanyan, Chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the National Assembly (NA) of Armenia and an MP of the ruling majority "Civil Contract" Faction of the NA, told this to reporters on Tuesday.

According to him, Armenia insists that the respective draft decision must reflect the situation, record the military aggression against Armenia by Azerbaijan, and give a political assessment, after which one can talk about the deployment of this CSTO mission and its format.

"The matter of sending a CSTO mission was publicly discussed in March, during the visit of the head of the Armenian foreign ministry to Moscow. The draft decision is under development," added the Armenian lawmaker.

To note, Russian Ambassador to Armenia Sergey Kopyrkin recently announced that a CSTO mission was ready to come to Armenia.

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