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Democratic Party Congressman Adam Schiff on Monday submitted to the House of Representatives of the US Congress a draft resolution recognizing the independence of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). He noted this in an interview with Armenian, adding that the resolution not only calls for recognizing the independence of Artsakh, but also for imposing sanctions on Azerbaijan.

"We should also be working to support a war crimes investigation and prosecution of those responsible for the rape and the murder, the desecration of Armenian dead, and the continued captivity of prisoners of war in violation of international law. So these are all things that United States and the international community should be pursuing," he said, emphasizing that the United States should recognize the right to self-determination of the Artsakh people, the need for its secession for the sake of salvation, and stop sending aid to Azerbaijan.

The draft of the resolution stresses that the independence of Artsakh was declared in accordance with the right of self-determination established by the United Nations and the results of the referendum held in 1991.

The document condemns Azerbaijan's ongoing blockade of the Lachin corridor, its unprovoked attacks against Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, and calls on Baku to end the blockade and aggression against Armenia and Artsakh without preconditions.

The draft calls on the US administration to end military aid to Azerbaijan, thus making it clear to its administration that further attacks against Armenia and Artsakh will result in sanctions and other measures.

The draft resolution emphasizes support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Armenia, a democratic partner of the United States, against attacks by Azerbaijan and flagrant violations of international laws and norms.

Also, the document supports US and international humanitarian aid programs for victims of Azerbaijani aggression in Armenia and Artsakh.

Frank Pallone, Co-Chair of the US Congressional Armenian Issues Caucus, and Congressman Josh Gottheimer are the co-authors of this resolution.

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