June 20
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We have record indicators in the banking system of Armenia. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated this at Thursday’s Cabinet meeting of the Armenian government.

"The total deposit portfolio in Armenian banks in May 2023 amounted to 5 trillion 147 billion 288 million drams, which is a record indicator for Armenia. But it was a record indicator in April, too. Compared to the previous month, we have had an increase of 12 billion 841 million drams. Compared to May 2018, in May 2023, the portfolio of deposits almost doubled, is more by more than 2.5 trillion drams, or 96.7 percent," the Armenian PM stated.

"Our response to all challenges is very important to be like this. Economic development is the most important factor that should enable us to address all the problems facing our state," said Pashinyan.

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