June 20
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Permanent Representative of Armenia to the United Nations Mher Margaryan had a meeting with the Executive Director of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Catherine Russell on July 26, presenting the impact of the humanitarian crisis in Nagorno Karabakh on children due to the blockade of Lachin corridor by Azerbaijan for more than seven months.

Mher Margaryan emphasized that the ongoing blockade has caused particularly severe humanitarian consequences for children, disrupting the activities of schools and preschool institutions, the provision of health services and causing a dire need for food, medicine and other vital goods.

In addition, it was noted that by keeping Nagorno Karabakh in blockade, Azerbaijan grossly violates the fundamental rights of more than 30,000 children and aims to make life impossible for them and their families in Nagorno Karabakh.

Highlighting UNICEF's role in protecting children in conflict situations, Armenia’s permanent representative emphasized that the growing humanitarian crisis requires the direct involvement of the UNICEF in order to meet the primary needs of children and protect their rights.

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