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Azerbaijan intentionally caused suffering to mothers, sisters and other members of the families of Armenian servicemen. Our new fact-based report. We express our gratitude to the families of the Armenian servicemen for their assistance, Director of the Tatoyan Foundation, former Ombudsman of Armenia Arman Tatoyan wrote on Facebook.

“During the Azerbaijani-provoked 2020 44-day and 2022 September 13-14 wars against Armenia and Artsakh, the Azerbaijani armed forces committed numerous war crimes, including torture of prisoners of war and civilians, extrajudicial killings. The basis of these criminal acts of Azerbaijan is the continuing fascist policy of Armenophobia and animosity of the authorities of this country.

With artificial criminal prosecutions and spurious judicial acts, Azerbaijan does not return Armenian prisoners of war and civilians to this day. In this way, the Azerbaijani authorities deliberately cause mental suffering to Armenian families both in Artsakh and in Armenia.

This report discusses and provides a legal assessment of those criminal acts of Azerbaijan. For example, Azerbaijani servicemen obstructed search operations, hide and do not return the bodies of servicemen, etc.

On Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and other social networks, Azerbaijani user accounts, targeting the Armenian audience, disseminate and directly sent to the families the photos of the killed and tortured military servicemen of their families.

Studies confirm that the mentioned crimes are encouraged by the authorities of Azerbaijan. They aim to cause severe mental sufferings to families and maintain tension in Armenian society. The preparation of this report also included interviews with family members of servicemen and analysis of relevant documents. We express our gratitude to servicemen's families for their support in the preparation of the report.

This report was developed by the Center for Law and Justice "Tatoyan" Foundation, in which the U.S. lawyers Garo Ghazarian and Karnik Kerkonian had immediate participation,” says the statement.

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