June 20
Show news feed

Edmon Marukyan, Ambassador-at-Large of Armenia, expects that the UN Security Council will make concrete decisions.

Speaking on the air of the Public TV Company of Armenia Marukyan noted that Armenia does not discuss the matter of alternative roads proposed by Azerbaijan.

"The subject of our discussion is the Lachin corridor," he said.

Marukyan considered the latest flows of disinformation disseminated by Azerbaijan as a basis for carrying out new provocations by Baku.

Also, Marukyan said Azerbaijan's new accusations against Armenia regarding "territorial claims" were groundless.

He emphasized that the Azerbaijani armed forces are located in the sovereign territory of Armenia.

"Azerbaijan is obligated to withdraw its armed forces from the administrative territory of Soviet Armenia, which was recognized as the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia according to the Almaty declaration," he said, stressing that Armenia has not made any territorial claims to Azerbaijan.

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