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At the initiative of the Armenian mission to the OSCE, a special session of the OSCE Permanent Council was convened on September 20, during which the head of the Armenian mission to the OSCE, Ambassador Armen Papikyan made a speech entitled "The large-scale aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh".

The Foreign Ministry informs that Ambassador Armen Papikyan stated in his speech that on September 19, the armed forces of Azerbaijan unleashed another large-scale military aggression against Nagorno Karabakh, violating international law and the provisions of the tripartite declaration on the cessation of hostilities of November 9, 2020.

Armen Papikyan presented the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh because of another large-scale aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan. He particularly noted that the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan deliberately bombarded the capital Stepanakert and other peaceful settlements with heavy artillery, combat aviation and drones, as well as targeted civil infrastructures, because of which there were casualties and injuries among the civilian population.

The ambassador stressed that Azerbaijan pursues a goal: to carry out ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh through the use of force, to deprive the Armenian people of Nagorno-Karabakh of the right to live and work in their homeland in a free and dignified manner. Armen Papikyan emphasized that the illegal blockade of Lachin Corridor, which has been going on for more than nine months, and the use of hunger as a method of war, is an integral part of the systematic policy of ethnic cleansing of Azerbaijan.

Armen Papikyan emphasized the imperative of the international community's immediate and targeted intervention and the introduction of international mechanisms to ensure the rights and security of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The ambassador thanked the international partners who unequivocally condemned the aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan against Nagorno-Karabakh, adding at the same time that statements are no longer enough and it is necessary to take active steps against Azerbaijan, including targeted sanctions.

Armen Papikyan also called on the OSCE Chairman-in-Office and the Secretariat to monitor the developments around Nagorno-Karabakh and consistently apply the existing OSCE tools.

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