June 20
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Violations committed by Russian state broadcasters are in the center of our attention. Robert Khachatryan, the Minister of High-Tech Industry of Armenia, told this to reporters Thursday.

"It is in the center of our attention, we are aware that it was signed by the ministry. We are very familiar with all the points of the agreement and will take appropriate steps," said Khachatryan.

When asked what it means to take “appropriate steps,” the minister said that he will be informed about it.

To the question as to whether the matter of closing those Russian TV stations in Armenia was being discussed? Khachatryan said: "All topics are being discussed, there is an agreement that provides for corresponding steps. If there are violations, we will make use of those steps."

The minister, however, did not comment on the question whether he agrees with the views that the Russian television companies threaten Armenia's security.

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