June 12
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The meeting between Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) President Samvel Shahramanyan and a group of displaced Artsakh residents ended a little while ago at the Artsakh representation in Armenia.

"The main questions have been answered. Most of the questions were social questions, related to work, related to placement. All questions have been answered to the best of our authorization. We are also ready to inventorize your questions and submit [them] to the appropriate place. Not everything depends on us," said Artsakh President Samvel Shahramanyan after the meeting, addressing the displaced Artsakh citizens protesting outside the Artsakh representation in Armenia.

He noted that two rooms will be provided to the displaced Artsakh residents in the building of the Artsakh representation in Armenia, and those who want to inventorize the issues on a voluntary basis will have that opportunity.

Shahramanyan said, however, that there are matters that he does not want to speak about because they may contain great dangers.

"Please, let's be satisfied with this, our doors are open, we will try to solve your daily problems," he added.

The President of Artsakh called on the displaced people of Artsakh to be clear-headed and not to resort to provocations.

"This is not typical for us. We do not have the right to manifest such practice among ourselves. Please go, deal with your daily concerns, you will get answers to your questions. We are in a difficult situation, we only need unity. We must do everything not to jeopardize Armenia and the future fate of Artsakh," emphasized Samvel Shahramanyan.

As reported earlier, a protest started outside the building of the Artsakh representation in Armenia Friday morning, after which the situation became tense and a group  of demonstrators stormed into the building, demanding a meeting with Samvel Shahramanyan.

The President of Artsakh agreed to come out of the building and answer the questions of those gathered outside. Shahramanyan told them that he cannot talk about many issues there because by doing so, he will endanger the interests of Armenia and Artsakh. Also, he stated that no one can dissolve the Artsakh Republic created by the people.

But since the protesters kept interrupting, Samvel Shahramanyan suggested meeting with several dozen displaced Artsakh residents inside the building.

The special police units are guarding the building of the Artsakh representation in Armenia and not allowing persons to enter it. Nevertheless, a group of displaced Artsakh residents entered and had a meeting with President Samvel Shahramanyan.

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