June 20
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Past daily of the Republic of Armenia (RA) writes: According to the official communiqué, Russian Ambassador to Armenia Sergey Kopyrkin was invited to the MFA, where he was handed a statement of protest.

It refers to the "Dolls of Tuti's heir to the throne: [Armenian PM] Nikol Pashinyan, the bearer of bad news of disaster" program of the Russian First Channel [television]. The MFA officially noted that "offensive and absolutely unacceptable expressions were made during the program addressed to high-ranking officials of the Republic of Armenia." Such a reaction is completely understandable; under such circumstances, usually the ambassador of the country in question is invited to the MFA and a corresponding "note of protest" handed—which was done. It would have been incomprehensible to ignore.

On the other hand, the indignation of many of our compatriots is also understandable according to whom, during the mentioned program, they insulted not only the “RA high-ranking leadership,” but the Armenian people in general, and speaking about Armenia and Armenians in such a tone is unacceptable. So, let's repeat, it was inevitable and natural that a certain reaction should have followed after the mentioned program, first of all, from state institutions.

But there is another side to the issue that is sometimes overlooked. The thing is that the facts must be considered in generality and cause and effect relationship. When you go out of your way, including ostentatiously, for enmity with Russia, when the same CC [i.e. Armenia’s ruling Civil Contract Party] members publicly insult various RF [(Russian Federation)] officials, what can you expect?

That is to say, there is a need to be prepared for other unpleasantness related to relations with Russia, millions of our compatriots in that country, [Armenian] goods being exported or "re-exported" to the Russian market. So, along with rightfully being upset, it doesn't hurt to think a little, also to understand that everything in life is mutual.

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