June 20
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In order to create a climate of trust between Armenia and Azerbaijan, it is necessary to respect the rights of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh and protect the rich Armenian cultural and religious heritage of the region. Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan stated this at his joint press conference in Yerevan Friday with Peter Szijjarto, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary.

The Armenian FM said that at the previous press conference, the parties had discussed matters related to the expansion of relations between Armenia and the EU. He noted that there is confidence that the cooperation built on the logic of economic development will be crowned with a positive result. In this context, the participation of Armenia in various regional programs was discussed, taking into account the statement of October 5 and the support of the EU in this regard, in particular, in the project of the Black Sea power cable. Also, Mirzoyan thanked Hungary for participating in the EU mission in Armenia.

Speaking about regional development, the Armenian FM emphasized that in order to achieve a stable and dignified peace in the region, the policy of non-use of force and the exclusion of the threat of its use and xenophobia is of existential importance, especially since we have already witnessed its manifestation, as has been said many times.

"Just a month ago, the [Azerbaijani] policy of ethnic cleansing basically ended in Nagorno-Karabakh. More than 100 thousand Armenians, saving their lives, left their historical homeland and found refuge in the Republic of Armenia as refugees. It is obvious that sustainable peace in the region requires effective steps by all the countries of the region and renunciation of maximalist aspirations; it is possible. Achieving stable peace and concluding an agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia is possible if the territorial integrity of the two countries is unequivocally recognized [by both countries] and the borders are delimited based on the Almaty Declaration and the maps of the [former] USSR; this was reflected on in the Granada statement [recently]," said Mirzoyan.

Peter Szijjarto, for his part, expressed hope that after decades of enmity, the people of this region will be able to live in peace.

"After decades of suffering, all residents of the region deserve that peace and tranquility reign," said the Hungarian FM.

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