June 20
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I do not share the assessment that we are further aggravating relations with Russia, it is a normal work process, partners have questions for each other, we clarify these issues through diplomats. Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister Vahan Kostanyan told this to Armenian Friday, regarding the remark that Armenia’s relations with Russia are increasingly strained, recently the charge d'affaires of Armenia was summoned to the Russian foreign Ministry, and before that, Armenia had summoned the Russian ambassador to its foreign ministry.

When asked whether Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan’s statement that there is no advantage in the Russian military base remaining in the territory of Armenia suggest that the country is changing its external vector, the Armenian deputy FM responded in brief: "No, it doesn't suggest."

And regarding the remark that the official representative of the Russian foreign ministry, Maria Zakharova, stated Thursday that Russia is ready to host the FM of Azerbaijan and Armenia, with the prospect of a tripartite summit if Yerevan gives its consent, Kostanyan said: "If Armenia gives its consent, naturally, you will be informed about it."

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