June 20
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The president of Azerbaijan has posited new demands for peace with Armenia.

During his meeting with the visiting President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Pia Kauma, Ilham Aliyev noted that there are “new realities” in the South Caucasus, APA reported.

According to him, "the latest developments in the region should be considered in the context of Armenia’s 30-year-long occupation and military aggression against Azerbaijan.”

“It would not be the right approach to put forward views on the future of the region without considering the consequences of this invasion and aggression," Aliyev added.

At the same time, the Azerbaijani president criticized the mediators, whose efforts were "completely unsuccessful."

Thus, Aliyev hinted at new "conditions" under which Azerbaijan would agree to live in peace with Armenia.

Previously, had had repeatedly announced "compensation for damage."

To note, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and several subsequent wars were unleashed by the Azerbaijan leadership, which attempted to force Karabakh to remain silent.

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