June 20
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Since December 30, 2020, an agreement on cooperation between the two governments in the domain of mass telecommunications has been in force between Armenia and Russia; this contract regulates our relations regarding the broadcasting of Russian TV channels in Armenia and Armenian TV channels in Russia. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan noted this while answering, on live broadcast Friday, people’s video questions—and addressing the question why Russian TV channels that broadcast programs containing insults to Armenia and its leader are not banned in Armenia.

According to Pashinyan, there is a clear regulation in that contract that no efforts should be made to interfere in the internal affairs of the country, and to destabilize the internal political situation in the country.

"In recent months, our state institutions (…) have recorded certain problems that, in our opinion, violate the mentioned contracts. Taking into account the existing friendly relations between Armenia and Russia and the existing realities, the Ministry of High-Tech Industry [of Armenia] has invited—with an official letter—the Russian side to consultations in order to discuss this situation and understand what the outcomes and conclusions should be. I hope that these consultations will take place as quickly as possible so that we can settle this matter in a friendly and normal atmosphere," said Pashinyan.

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