June 20
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RA Minister of Foreign Affairs Ararat Mirzoyan received on Friday the Head of the European Union Delegation to Armenia, Ambassador Vassilis Maragos. They discussed a number of issues of the comprehensive and ambitious agenda of the RA-EU partnership.

According to a press release by Armenia’s Foreign Ministry, the two diplomats exchanged thoughts on the achievements and existing prospects in the fields of democratic institutions, rule of law and protection of human rights, as well as in other key fields.

Both sides appreciated the steps taken for the implementation of the RA-EU comprehensive and extended partnership agreement, as well as the effective implementation of the RA-EU economic and investment plan, the expected future dynamics were emphasized.

Ararat Mirzoyan emphasized that RA's partnership with the EU is based on common values and its further enrichment is aimed at ensuring significant, tangible results for RA citizens and society.

Also a reference was made to the latest developments in the process of normalization of Armenia-Azerbaijan relations and the vision of establishing long-term stability in the region, regional programs aimed at its implementation, including with the involvement and support of the EU.


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