June 20
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The situation in the South Caucasus continues to be tense, but it has a trend towards stabilization. This was stated by Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, informs the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

Gerasimov assured that thanks to mediation by Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh, a ceasefire was able to be reached in the region within 24 hours this September.

"During the military operations, the Russian peacekeeping contingent ensured the evacuation of more than 10,000 civilians from their locations, and therefore the safe departure of almost the entire population of Karabakh to the territory of Armenia. Almost 300 wounded peacekeepers were taken to hospitals," said the chief of the General Staff of the Russian army.

"At the same time, our military continent continues to perform tasks as a guarantor of the possibility of building a peaceful life and returning residents to the region," added Gerasimov.

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