June 20
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Zhoghovurd newspaper of the Republic of Armenia RA) writes: Most various representatives of [PM] Nikol Pashinyan's power have caused such a wave of anti-Russian sentiment [in Armenia] that one of the [latter’s] citizens desecrated the Russian flag yesterday [in Yerevan].

Zhoghovurd daily has learned what Samvel Shirinyan, who desecrated the attributes of the RF [(Russian Federation)] flag, told the law enforcement officers. According to the information we received, when the law enforcement officers asked him why he took such a step and committed hooliganism, 46-year-old Shirinyan said that the Russians did bad things to us [i.e. Armenians]; if there is no recognition of the genocide of the Artsakh [(Nagorno-Karabakh)] Armenians [by Azerbaijan], there are no victims in Leningrad either.

In any case, the perpetrator is arrested. had written that according to exclusive information that reached us, Samvel Shirinyan was found at the Bagratashen checkpoint [on the border with Georgia]. He wanted to cross the RA border, but the law enforcement officers were able to prevent his escape.

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