July 27
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A risk of war is always there, to neutralize it we conduct peace talks, we negotiate so that there will be no war, we negotiate with international partners, we invite EU observers, we develop the economy, we strengthen our security environment, we strengthen the army. Gevorg Papoyan, an MP of the ruling majority Civil Contract Faction and Chair of Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs, on Monday told this to reporters in the National Assembly of Armenia.

"All these things are not against any country, they are to protect the security of Armenia, they are to prevent a new war because the stronger you are, the more they will not attack you. It is for Armenia," Papoyan added.

Referring to the Armenian-Azerbaijani peace talks, he said: "Immense progress was made on the points of the peace treaty. Most of the treaty was agreed, a few important points remained. In fact, the statement of the president of Azerbaijan had destroyed all that. In my impression, now they are starting from the point where they had slowed down; in fact, the discussion, the conversation had stopped. It is an important record that the leaders of the [two] countries instructed the foreign ministers to meet. This is important because the last interview of the president of Azerbaijan raised important questions for us, and Armenia needed clarifications.

According to Papoyan, if the peace aforesaid treaty has 100 conditional points and 99 have been agreed, it does not mean that those 99 points are subject to mandatory implementation.

"Until it is signed, until the constitutional courts of the [two] countries recognize it as constitutional, the parliaments do not approve [it], nothing is agreed upon. If Azerbaijan does not want peace, it will not sign a treaty. And if it does, it will be much more difficult not to keep it," said the Armenian ruling power MP.

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