June 20
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The activity of the EU monitoring mission stationed in Armenia is impressive. Stefano Tomat, Civilian Operations Commander  of the European External Action Service (EEAS) of the European Union (EU), stated this at Wednesday’s event dedicated to the first anniversary of the EU civilian monitoring mission in Armenia (EUMA), adding that he is proud of the work that has been done during this year.

The EU monitoring mission brings an important benefit to Armenia and the region, which symbolizes the EU engagement for peace and stability, he said.

During the last year, the number of incidents on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border decreased, from which it can be concluded that the EU monitoring mission has contributed to this positive development. But there are still challenges, Tomato noted.

Recent disinformation campaigns against the EU monitoring mission highlight the difficult environment in which the EU mission operates, the EEAS official said. And in this sense, he confirmed their words of gratitude to the EU member states for their assistance to EUMA, emphasizing that this mission is designed to build trust and does not have aggressive trends.

According to Stefano Tomat, the number of EUMA staff is being increased.

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