June 20
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At the moment, Armenia is implementing a policy of diversification. Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia, Armen Grigoryan, told this to reporters at the National Assembly Wednesday.

"I mentioned that the acquisition of military equipment from Russia has dropped from 96 percent to less than 10 percent. This means that Armenia is carrying out diversification and Armenia is acquiring partners not only in the West, but also in other places—in Asia, India—and in various directions," said Grigoryan, adding that this is about both military and economic directions.

"In January, the foreign trade [of Armenia] with the UAE reached 16 percent. Last January it was 4 percent. This means that great changes have taken place, Armenia is implementing a policy of diversification in the domain of economy, politics, and security.

Armenia is not going anywhere, Armenia pursues a policy of regionalization also, has good relations with the West, tries to build good relations with all neighbors, to build relations with Turkey, Azerbaijan. This is our agenda, everything is clear," added the secretary of the Security Council of Armenia.

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