July 27
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This conversation is not an easy conversation. This is about having a safe, prosperous, strong state and an optimistic future, but with the difference that we should be able to discuss complex issues today. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated this during a meeting with the residents of Kirants village of Tavush Province.

"You know that Armenia is facing quite serious security challenges. And I also said in my press conference a few days ago that in my opinion, one of the most important features to solve our security issue is to put our trust in ourselves, in our resources. The resource, the tool at our disposal is legitimacy. We must be active in order to record the borders of Armenia within the framework of this internationally recognized area," said Pashinyan and again showed a model of the map of Armenia he had brought with him.

"I came here because the [border] delimitation process may cause some problems for some of our settlements. But on the other hand, I came to say that the situation is such that it is logical that we start the [border] demarcation and delimitation process in the area from Baghanis to Berkaber [villages], or a little further that side.

Delimitation is when we specify on the map what the coordinate of the border is, and demarcation is when we go, stand on the ground, and say this is where Armenia begins or ends.

It is important for us to specify the territorial integrity of Armenia. Our issue today with a number of countries in the region is that we want them to recognize the territorial integrity of Armenia according to an agreement. But if we want others to recognize [it], first we must recognize it ourselves. I have come to say that this is the only option to build our future.

At the moment, we have no agreement, no decision, nothing exists with anyone that you are not aware of," the Armenian PM announced.

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