June 20
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The United States had no advance information about the preparation of a terrorist attack in the concert hall in Crocus City Hall. The Coordinator of Strategic Communications in the U.S. Security Council, John Kirby, stated. 

"I know nothing about the fact that we had advance information about the horrific attack," Kirby said.

The White House spokesman added that the warning about the possibility of terrorist attacks in Moscow, which the embassies of the US and other Western countries issued to their citizens a fortnight ago, did not apply to the current events.

He also said that "so far, there are no indications that Ukraine or Ukrainians are involved in this shooting."

On 22 March, the media reported about the shooting at the Crocus City Hall, where a concert of the band "Picnic" was to be held. According to RIA Novosti, at least three people in camouflage opened fire. It is also known that there was an explosion and a fire started in the building. Telegram channels report more than 40 dead and 100 injured.

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