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Argentina's President Javier Milei said that he becomes a sensation in all his travels and is the most famous politician in the world.

"I understand that most Argentine politicians are small, in other words, insignificant, unknown, without international brilliance. I am not that case. Just think of the speech in Davos [at the World Economic Forum meeting], the speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference, the cover of Time [magazine]. Any of my speeches is a sensation. In fact, I am the most famous politician in the world," Milei said in an interview with LN+ television on Thursday.

According to him, his international popularity is confirmed, in particular, by his meeting with entrepreneur Elon Musk and praise from financiers Michael Milken and Stanley Druckenmiller. The head of Argentina is convinced also that attention to him is for the benefit of the country.

“This is marketing for Argentina. We are again putting Argentina in the center of the world's attention," said Javier Milei.

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