June 19
Show news feed

YEREVAN. – According to Aravot daily, former Governor Romik Manukyan of Armenia’s Shirak Region said the following during the opposition ARF Dashnaktsutyun Party’s parliamentary election campaign rally in Gyumri city:

“They are forcing the schoolchildren’s parents to bring the photocopies of their passports. All state officials are busy with gathering [voter] lists and distributing money. This process is commissioned to them. 

Today, all community leaders are truly in a pitiable condition. They say: ‘I will give [you] money, if you bring this much votes.    

They are blemishing the school principals, our intellectuals, everyone. And today the republic’s President is giving instructions to the Prosecutor [General] to do everything to prohibit election bribes. This is a shame! Whom are you instructing? Who will you catch?”

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