June 22
Show news feed

BAKU. – Buranovskiye Babushki (grandmas), who represent Russia in Eurovision Song Contest 2012 being held in the Azerbaijani capital city Baku, were “robbed,” as three pairs of their stage shoes were “stolen.” Fortunately, they had reserve shoes, Vesti.Az informs.  

Eurovision’s Russian delegation members told that German journalists had asked the grandmothers about their national costumes and asked them to show their stage shoes. The grandmas took the shoes out of the bag, but, before the Germans could look at them, the elderly women were asked to sit in the sit in the bus, forgetting about the shoes. The Germans, on the other hand, thought the grandmothers had given the shoes to them as a gift. Learning about the loss of the Russian grandmas’ stage shoes, however, the Germans returned them.         

But the grandmas decided not to be rude to the Germans, since one of their husband had made reserve shoes for the grandmothers.

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