June 20
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YEREVAN. – Karine Davtyan, who was wounded by an Azerbaijani saboteur, on Monday was taken to a hospital room.  

Armenian capital city Yerevan Central Military Hospital Director Aram Asaturyan told the aforementioned to Armenian

“She’s in pretty good condition, she walks on her own, eats in normal fashion, her treatment will continue in the hospital room and, subsequently, she will be discharged [from hospital],” Asaturyan said.   

He added, however, that the 37-year-old woman’s full eyesight cannot be restored, since one of her eye was completely damaged. 

On July 11, the Armenian military servicemen rendered ineffective an Azerbaijani sabotage-intelligence team’s infiltration attempt in Karvachar Region on the border between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. But Armenian officer, Major Sargis Abrahamyan (born in 1972) was killed, and Karine Davtyan (born in 1977) was wounded during the crossfire.

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