June 20
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The houses, which Armenians had built 400 years ago in Van, Turkey, astonish Turkish scholars.   

Mehmet Top, who is a lecturer at the Department of Art History of the University of Yüzüncü Yıl (100th Year) of Van, visited, together with specialists, Van’s Isikpinar district, where these houses are located, reported IHA news agency of Turkey.        

The Turkish lecturer stressed that the stone houses, which Armenians had built 400 years ago, are currently used by the local Muslim population.

“Examining the houses built by the Armenians, we come to the interesting conclusion that they all have a common typology. Even the soil-built flour barns are still standing.

“We knew that there are Armenian churches, monasteries and cemeteries in the region, but we didn’t know about the houses,” Top said.   

The respective video can be watched here.

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