June 19
Show news feed


YEREVAN. – Minister of Agriculture of Armenia, Sergo Karapetyan, on Sunday visited the Ararat Region, where he got familiarized with the grape-collection activities.

The minister toured several respective plants, stated the Information and Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Agriculture.

The plant managers informed the minister that their collection of grapes from the farmers is carried out in an organized and a normal fashion. They also assured that their payments to the farmers for these grapes will be made on time.

In addition, Karapetyan was informed that, so far, 44,000 tons of grapes already have been collected in the Ararat Region.

Furthermore, the amount of grapes, which the companies in the region will collect from the farmers this year, are not expected to be less than the previous year’s indicators.

As of Monday, September 22, a total of 98,000 tons of grapes have been collected in Armenia.


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