June 20
Show news feed

YEREVAN. – Renowned  Diaspora Armenian businessman Eduardo Eurnekian, who is one of Argentina’s most influential people, arrived in Armenia on Thursday.

Armenian presents below the text of our short interview with him.

Mr. Eurnekian, what does April 24 [i.e. the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide] mean to you?

What [it means] for all Armenians. It’s a tribute to what must never again recur. It means to remember that the Armenians were not able to find peace over the course of one hundred years. This day also means that you can’t treat people as if they are an object. April 24 is a message to not solely the Armenian people, but the entire world, since there are similar situations in the world today as well.

It has been one hundred years [since the Armenian Genocide]. What else should Armenia do so that Turkey and the whole world recognize the Genocide?

If we waited 500 years for the Pope to acknowledge that Earth is not the center of the universe, we can also wait 1,000 years until they recognize the genocide.

Do you have Armenia-related plans?

I have them every day. In general, I have big plans with Armenia.

How do you feel here[, in Armenia]?

Very good and comfortable

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