June 20
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The European Union (EU) expects a continuation of cooperation with Armenia.

Polish MP Krzysztof Szczerski, who is also a member of the Polish delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), told the aforesaid to Armenian He stated this commenting on the expectations from the EU Eastern Partnership Summit to be convened on Thursday and Friday in the Latvian capital city of Riga.

To the query on whether, as a result of this summit, Armenia and the EU can achieve a new format of cooperation, the Polish MP responded, in particular: “I believe that’s what Europe looks forward to it. It looks forward to Armenia being included in the processes which, by the way, are not directed against Russia. These processes are also for improving the state from within.” 

And to the question on what formats of cooperation there can be following Armenia’s accession to the Eurasian Economic Union, Szczerski replied: “We certainly respect the sovereign choice of Armenia, which did not choose the format of deepest cooperation with the EU. In any case, the development of political and economic cooperation is possible. The problem is that there can be no talk about a prospect for a free trade area. But there can be a talk about interim options, and the parties should choose them.”

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