June 19
Show news feed

WASHINGTON, DC .– Congressman Brad Sherman (D-CA), a Senior Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released the following statement upon the news that an independent team of election observers from the University of California deemed the May 3, 2015 Republic of Nagorno Karabakh parliamentary elections transparent and fair, the Armenian National Committee of America reported.

“Despite remarkably difficult challenges, the people and government of Nagorno Karabakh have managed to develop a democratic society and a vibrant civil society in a relatively short period of time.

“As a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I have been a strong supporter and consistent advocate for this democracy from its inception. The people of Artsakh have embraced democratic ideals from the time their government was established.

“The election observers, comprised of professional non-partisan academics, researchers and experts in the fields of electoral processes and human rights, found that the election process was consistent with international standards and noted the involvement of women throughout the process as equal participants.

“I look forward to continued efforts to support Artsakh and strengthen the ties between the United States and the Republic.”

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