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YEREVAN. – The First Deputy Minister of Defense, Davit Tonoyan, on Monday received several representatives from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Office in Yerevan, the capital city of Armenia.

First, Tonoyan congratulated head of the Military and Political Programs at the OSCE Office in Yerevan, Lilian Shalarou, on his appointment to a new position at the OSCE Secretariat.

The Armenian official highly praised the OSCE Yerevan office’s and Shalarou’s personal contribution to the reforms toward the protection of human rights and development of management capabilities in the armed forces, and the strengthening of army-society ties.

Tonoyan also awarded the OSCE official with the Ministry of Defense (MOD) of Armenia Medal for Military Cooperation. 

Lilian Shalarou, for his part, thanked the Armenian MOD for its cooperation with, and productive assistance in the implementation of the programs of, the OSCE Office in Yerevan.

At the talk, the interlocutors also summed up the results of respective ongoing activities.

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