June 20
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YEREVAN. – Armenia’s neutrality is impossible in the strained Russian-Turkish relations.

Political scientist and Modus Vivendi Center Director, Ambassador Ara Papyan, noted the abovementioned at a press conference on Monday.

In his words, Turkey does not see Armenia as a neutral side. Papyan noted that the only opportunity for Russia, therefore, is to be a global player, and this is by the use or showing of military force.

“If Turkey decides to attack Armenia, it will not look at those treaties [i.e. the Treaties of Moscow and Kars],” he noted.

In the analyst’s view, Armenia’s task is to intensify work in Russia, and to clearly present the Armenian interests.

“Second, it is indispensable to strengthen our defenses as much as possible,” Ara Papyan stressed.

He added that the current strain in Russian-Turkish relations can be either in favor or at the expense of Armenia.

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