June 20
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YEREVAN. – The Turkish-Azerbaijani “one nation, two states” formula is a real factor.

President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan on Saturday noted the aforementioned while interacting with delegates during intermission at the second Global Forum Against the Crime of Genocide, which is held in capital city Yerevan.

The Presidential Press Office informed Armenian that, speaking about Armenia’s hardships due to its geographical location, Sargsyan said, in particular: “Two of Armenia’s four neighbors [i.e. Turkey and Azerbaijan] conduct an inimical policy toward our country. Notwithstanding this, ever since the declaration of independence [in 1991], we have adopted a multi-vector policy to try to develop relations with all of our neighbors. We were even the initiator of restoring relations with Turkey without preconditions; an initiative, as a result of which the world saw why the Armenian-Turkish border is really closed, who the one that posits preconditions is, and what a real factor the Turkish-Azerbaijani ‘one nation, two states’ formula is. And those, who still have not fully realized the political substance of this formula, have missed something important in their calculations.

“Our people don’t like fighting, and they fight only when it is imposed on them. And they are imposed on for [the fact] that they just want to build their own future and live in freedom on their own land.”

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