June 20
Show news feed

YEREVAN. – The terrorism assumption, which is disseminated in international media with respect to Monday night’s bus explosion in Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan, has been entirely dismissed.

The General Prosecutor’s Office of Armenia informed the aforesaid to Armenian

“The real assumption is what the investigative body has already publicized,” they added.

According to the Investigative Committee press release, among other objects that are crucial in the respective criminal case, a mobile phone card was also discovered at the scene of the blast.

The identity of the subscriber of this card was determined. He is an Armenian citizen, and twice-convicted. A Trinitrotoluene (TNT)-type of explosive material, detonators, and various types of electrical equipment were found during the search in his residence on Tuesday.

Elements and traces of TNT were also found in the bus and on the confiscated samples, and this was substantiated by the preliminary expertise conclusion.

The blast had occurred in a public transport bus.

The explosion was so powerful that it was heard from several kilometers, and windows were broken in nearby buildings.

There are two casualties. One of them has been identified, and work is underway ascertain the identity of the other victim.  

There are eight injured, they are Armenian citizens, and they have been hospitalized.

A criminal case has opened, and several examinations have been commissioned into this incident.

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